Membership form

Membership of Nottinghamshire DCS is free. If you are the parent of a deaf child, or if you are deaf and under 25 years old, you must fill in this form to receive our newsletter and to enable you to attend any of our events (Christmas party, summer trips, panto tickets etc).

Contact name:

Email address:

Telephone no.

Postal address:

Detail of your deaf children and their ages e.g. Karen, age 3 & Sam age 7:

Click here if you would be happy to receive our newsletters by email

Our group requires new positive pictures of deaf children, young people and their families to help promote the charity, our aims and objectives, and the services we provide. We will use photos on our website or in promotional literature or newspaper and magazine stores. If you are happy for us to use photos of your children in this way, please click here

Hoods Hideout

Kids enjoying the session in June

Peak District

We went to Dukes Barn in March 2010

NDCS Fun Day

White Post Farm